Friday, 31 December 2010

Crochet catch up

So I have been a busy hooker lately, much has been created, most things have been photographed. Want to see?

Beanie for our favourite teacher

Robyn Chachula cardi for Miss T. I did age 2-3 and got the gauge right, but I think she'll be wearing it when she's seven- it's enormous! She really likes it anyhow.

Beanie for my Niece-who-has-no-plan. I simply did not have enough time to make a cardi, so a pink hat like Mouse's was a quick solution.

A cardi for my other niece, Tink.  A remake-in-a-bigger-size of one I made for her last year. A Sue Whiting pattern. It hooks up beautifully, but I chose a yarn so dark that I could only do it if I sat in the bay window at midday. It took a while!

Earflap hat for Papa in merino wool. He and Toot are in the arctic currently, so I thought this would be useful. From Crochet Today.

I also made another two jumpers, which I then forgot to photograph (I was in a bit of a flap by then), and another hat. Then there were all the other makes that did not involve a hook:

Mouse ripped her new gloves after about a week, so I made her a pair of mittens from an old Ikea blanket...

and she decorated them with fabric paint. Aren't they beautiful?

A towel for my Dad with an embroidered trim designed by FHB and Mouse. In the foreground are a pile of bookmarks made from the brim of the sombrero that saved W's life when he was a kid. (The brim stopped him falling down an open manhole in Spain!)

Amongst all the other stuff I realised that our cushions were quite repellent indeed, so I made a set of new covers from the bottom of some curtains, an offcut of corduroy jumper, an thrifted pillow case and table runner and a scarf.

A selection of stuff from Papa's stocking, including two etched whisky glasses (designed by FHB and Mouse), and a Fimo sign for Papa's painting shed, made from old fimo he and Toot found when they cleared out their study.

I had a load of fun making things this year, I just wish I had photographed more of it!

And now here we are, standing right on the edge of another year. I have a list of things whizzing around my head already that I want to make, places to visit, things to do, goals to achieve, jobs to be done, books to be read...
My children are growing up, slowly but steadily, and time seems to going faster and faster. I am looking forward to making the most of 2011 with them.

Hope you have a happy year ahead of you. x

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Christmas catch up

Well hello! Hope you had a wonderful, warm, merry, cozy Christmas. In this house of Bears it was a hectic, noisy affair, but lots of fun and with much good cheer.

I did not finish the last of the elf-made gifts until the 23rd, leaving me not much time to do the many other jobs I had on my list before my home was filled up with another 10 people. Thankfully, I have wonderful relatives who pitched in merrily and we got there in the end. And then you reach the other side of Christmas and wonder what you were worrying about anyway!

So here is a short photo diary of our festive season:

Mouse was an angel in her school's not-quite-a-nativity-play:

At my Mum and Dad's for our early mini-Christmas we had two inches of pretty snow. Enough for snowballs and snow angels, but not enough to prevent us from getting home. Just right!

W bought me some Amaryllis (?) stems. Very pretty on my table:

The seven small bears in our house on Christmas Eve left Father Christmas a heaving tray of goodies. Whisky, with an umbrella and monkey stirrer (Mouse was just prevented from putting some sliced cucumber in it, much to Santa's relief), clementines, carrots, mince pies, a banana and a bowl of sprinkles. FHB was most insistent about the sprinkles (I assume he thought Santa might do a little cake decorating while he was here):

Our cat looked fairly glum, much put out, as cats are, by the uproar in the house:

Papa and Toot made a Harry Potter kit for the bears, which was a complete hit. They have not stopped playing with it for a moment:

Boxing day held a walk on the beach. Here I am with Mouse and my Niece-who-has-no-plan. It was cold but so lovely to be on the shore, even just for a little while:

My alcove. We gave up on the advent calendar when FHB began exploding with excitement (about December 10th) and Miss T pulled all the tags off the ornaments. The little reindeer stared sadly at me from a charity shop window the other day and I HAD to bring her home. She needs a little remedial attention to her hooves but I love her already:

Our tree, seen through a sophisticated glass of my brother-in-law's homemade sloe and vanilla gin, served with a little lemonade. The tree is pretty, the gin was excellent, though not a lot remains, as my waistband and headache will testify:

So there you go- Christmas in a nutshell. All is now peaceful and calm. We have a pile of brand new books and board games to entertain us, and a kitchen heaving with food. The bears are slowly investigating all the things they were lucky enough to receive and W and I are enjoying the quiet days here between Christmas and New Year, no time constraints, no's great!

I am looking forward to a royal telling off from my Wii fit when I get going on that again in two days time- I think I must have put a stone on over the festive and crafting season. In the mean time I am enjoying a large glass of Baileys.

Good night! x

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Christmas swan song

We seem to be caught up in the pre-Christmas whirlwind, so there has been a lot of making things, a lot of school related Christmas activities that require fancy dress/party clothes/tray loads of food, much wrapping, not enough card writing, a disproportionate amount of washing up and far too much cleaning. Consequently, not much time to blog, and not a lot to blog about (until I can post pics of our elf-made gifts anyway).

Add to this the fact that the bears have attained a level of excitement bordering on levitation, W is spending a fair bit of time looking harrassed and I feel like I am bailing out the ship again (but, as ever, not quite fast enough).

So, this is my Merry Christmas To You, may your festive season be full of happiness, joy and a lot of sparkly things.


I shall leave you with a photo of Miss T shuffling the decorations about on my tree. I am making myself not go 'Grrrr' here. Note to self: It's all about the kids, so it really doesn't matter.


Friday, 10 December 2010

Catching up

In a rare and most appreciated event, I have had a weekend away. Toot took myself and my sisters-in-law to Brussels to the Christmas markets to celebrate her birthday. What a star!

We stayed up by the EU and my bedroom overlooked parliament, which I thought was quite exciting:

It was about -6degrees and towards the end of Saturday it snowed enormous great pretty snowflakes. I was
far more excited by this than by the inconvenient snow at home. The lights were lovely:

I managed to do a few bits of Christmas shopping:

We had a go on the big wheel:

Really good views, but bitterly cold.

We had a couple of good meals, two slap-up hotel breakfasts, two exceptionally good nights sleep, a little Belgian beer and a lot of Gluhwein with Amaretto:

This should be Wrong, but turned out to be Oh-So-Right. Especially when consumed in copious quantities and atmospheric surroundings. (That's snow on the top, by the way).

And the best hot chocolate I have ever had. Venezuelan chocolate with just a little chili. Warmed your cockles from the inside out, that did:

Lots of fun, thanks Toot xxxx

Since returning I have:

*overslept by an hour and a half (and the bears still got to school on time)
*witnessed a reenactment of a High School Musical/Harry Potter mash-up, featuring Troy Voldemort singing 'The Boys Are Bad' while Harry Pottimer tried to wallop him with a wand made from a garden cane.
*admired Miss T's impressive black eye (now a boggy green with yellow stripes)
*attempted making god's eyes with FHB. Not successful.
*finished my Christmas shopping.
*made a depressingly long list of things I need to get done before Christmas Eve.
*enjoyed secretly watching Custard dancing. He is still young enough to dance like a baby, arms outstretched, bum out, bobbing up and down.
*made marrons glace.
*been a little startled by the sheer amount of yarn I have.
*noticed that Somebody (small, blonde, female, not Miss T) has written all over my bookshelves. Must point out to vandal that writing one's own name when doing graffiti is not the most sensible idea.
*spent Some Time retracing our steps in order to find Custard's new hat. That he has had for a week.
*lost my temper with three bears who Will Not tread carefully on the icy pavements, near the icy roads.

And there goes another busy week...x

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

In which the biggest bear discovers irony


I was going to do a post full of photos of what we have been up to, but the pics are all horrible- no decent light due to constant snow. I'll do a photo heavy post at another date- lots of stuff has been made...

Yesterday school closed early, and today it did not even open, so I have a house full of bored bears. In the last 24 hours we have:

*made brandy butter (Miss T really enjoyed that)
*stuck gold and silver stars all over the house
*made spangly bunting
*made Christmas booklets (FHB, with an illicit stapler)
*made some sort of Christmas dangling thing (Mouse, with illicit glue)
*made snowflakes
*made paper chain angels
*finished the body of one cardi, the back of another and almost all of another (have now had to give up because I cannot see. Truly, energy saving saving lightbulbs are not great for crochet)
*finished an embroidery
*drawn all over an armchair (Mouse, with an illicit purple pen. She then enjoyed a hour in her room)
*made soup
*made Toot's Bucket and Chuck it cake
*done some Christmas present cooking
*done some secret Santa crafting
*had a snowball fight
*covered the living room in shells
*done seven loads of laundry
*chopped up some T-shirts to add to my rug
*watched 4 films.

I hope school is open tomorrow!

Meanwhile, FHB seems to be having anger management issues once more. I think he is tired and cold and needs to sleep for a week- but he won't. Instead he waits until the most inopportune moment, makes an outrageous demand then harrumphs when he is refused:

FHB: Can I play DS?

Me: No it's bed time.

FHB (on the verge of tears): Well thanks, you're the best Mummy ever. Humph! (Stomps off).


FHB: Can I go in the garden?

Me: No, it's five minutes until tea time. You should have gone earlier with everyone else. It's too cold now.

FHB (on the verge of tears): Well you're just the greatest Mummy. Thanks. (Strops off and slams door).

Or (my favourite):

FHB: Can I read The Beano?

W: No, it's bedtime.

FHB (on the verge of tears [see the pattern here?]): Well aren't you just the best Daddy ever? Thank you sooooo much. Cos I really wanted to go to bed now. (Slams door).

W's face was a complete picture and I shall cherish it. Sometimes, when you are having just the most frustrating time with your children, the funniest moments happen!


Update:: We have also:

*had one baby/door interface (resulting in one very tiny swollen wonky nose and a split lip, plus a disproportionate blood spatter)
*one Mouse refusing to eat her dinner (resulting in me being the most hated person in the house and Mouse having a very early bed time. Not her best day)
*one 'let's raucously flood the bathroom and spray water everywhere while Mummy is with the baby' incident (resulting in two small boys having a very early bedtime and me being the triple most hated person in the house)
*one quiet cry in the kitchen while everyone upstairs told each other how much they hated Mummy
*one tired, miserable parent collapsing on the sofa waiting for her husband to get home so that she won't feel guilty about having (quite a large) glass of wine (or two).

And there's no school tomorrow. Boo.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Unexpected Sunday

Today we were supposed to be visiting Papa and Toot (Happy Birthday Papa!) but due to The Weather we stayed put. So here we are with an Unexpected Sunday to fill as we wish.

We began with breakfast, as you do. Miss T began with Marmite and hazlenut chocolate spread on (the same bit of) toast. A wrongness of the highest order, but she seemed pleased:

Then we went to buy the cat a new bed due to a Certain Someone ('It was me: Custard!') destroying the last one. A new popcorn maker followed to replace the one we melted with over use.

Then on to Waitrose. Where we bought yummy Sunday roast stuff and got back to the car to find the battery was completely and utterly flat. Dead. Last time this happened was in the Ikea car park, a bit too far from home to call for help, but this time a dear and lovely old friend of ours came, via Halfords for spark plugs, and jumped started us. The wait gave W and I just enough time to polish off a whole tray of Parisienne macaroons. Very nice.

After a prolonged sojourn to the shops we got home rather later than planned. Roast for tea then. So W knocks up a (delicious) blue cheese, parma ham, black olive and sun dried tomato tart for us, while the kids had crumpets. Because what they need is more refined carbs, obviously.

Custard: What. Is. That?

W: It's a tart.

Custard: Bleurgh.

FHB: I know what tart is. It is black and it melts and gets on your shoes and you get told off for getting it on the carpet because it sticks to everything.

Mouse: No, Tart is from the the jungle. Tartzan. He swings in the trees like a monkey. But he is a man.

W and I: Snigger...

Anyway, here is what the rest of the day holds for me:

Die cutting alphabets with my lovely sister-in-law's Sizzix...

A bit of brewing...

Crochet crochet crochet...

A little easy peasy embroidery for Christmas...

A bit of this, maybe with a film...

Definately some of these. The hazlenut Baileys is filling in a gap for me until I can get my hands on some Marks and Sparks Gingerbread irish cream. It keeps selling out locally. I HAVE to try it!

But...(insert your own horror film music here)...LOOK at what else I have got to tackle this afternoon!!!!!!!!!

Aaaargh! I have had to put it on our bed so that I have no choice but to put it all away today. I think the kids might actually have run out of clothes!

Well, best crack on with it I suppose. Sooner it is done the sooner I get a large Baileys infront of the fire!

Hope you are having a wonderful warm Sunday x

Saturday, 27 November 2010

What to make?

It is Saturday. I have been at work all morning thinking about all the things I want, and indeed need, to make this afternoon and in these far too few days before Christmas. I get home to find that One Of My Children has lost the keys to the craft cupboard (again). Last time this happened I had to buy a new cupboard from Ikea, just to get a new key. This was three weeks ago. I am upset. I do not need another cupboard.

Anyway, irritated though I am, (and I shouted so much that my voice has gone croaky- I'm so proud), My bears do make me laugh. FHB (dressed as a doctor) has spent the last half hour merrily chasing Miss T around, sliding on the rug and squashing her. She seems to be thoroughly enjoying the experience and much squealing has ensued. Custard is wearing a leather trimmed black beret and looks like an 80's militant activist- a very small one who looks a bit as if he needs a cuddle from his mum.

Mouse is looking forward to getting out her sewing machine for some Cwistmas Cwafting...but can't because we have lost the key. I am sitting here trying to work out what we can make with last years Christmas cards, that does not involve me having to clear up Glitter. I don't feel up to Glitter this afternoon!

I think I may just sit and catch up with my Jumpers for Small People. And have a nice slice of cake.


Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Me: Can you do the photo software tonight please?

W: Why can't you do it?

Me: Because I'll get it wrong, phone you for help and you'll say that I always break the computer. So it's easier if you do it.

W gets out photoshop (semi-demolishing cupboard in process). I laugh a great deal.

Me: Do I need the software for my camera too...cos I don't know where I've put it?

W: No, you can just load photos up onto Windows.


Me: So, all this time I've actually had photo software on the new computer?

W: Didn't you know?

Me (patiently, through gritted teeth): No. I did not know. Or I would have been using it, wouldn't I? (Forced smile).

So there you are folks. I have photos. I always had photos. Grrr.

Here's a couple from Greenwich the other week:

The bears love Greenwich and always head for the canon. We have the same conversation every time:

Bear: That is a really big gun.

Us: Yes it is.

Bears, shimmying up canon: Can we climb on it?

Us: No. See the big sign saying 'Do not climb'?

Bears (disappointed): Oh, right. Is it real?

Us: Yes, it is three hundred years old. Be kind to it.

And so on.

Sadly the Cutty Sark is still hidden by her bandages. I LOVE the Cutty Sark. Drinking a hot coffee, sitting on the banks of the Thames early on a Sunday morning, gazing at the ship and then the river, deciding where we'll live when we win the lottery...


Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Captain Custard

My smallest boy is a funny little sausage. He is three, but thinks he is six, like his brother. He is a Big Boy too, solid and square without an ounce of fat on him. He has bright blond hair that curls over his ears and when Toot cuts it neither of us can bare to chop them off.

Custard is a noisy boy . His emotions are right there at the front at all times. If he is happy then the world smiles with him, if he is upset, angry, excited, in pain, then he is Vocal about it. He is a dear dear boy. He loves us all, worships his brother and wants cuddles and kisses from W and I whenever possible; He needs to be overtly loved.

Custard's main interest is movies. He loves films. Watches films avidly. Is quite discerning about what he likes and does not like, and makes quite surprising choices. We probably let Custard watch things that are a bit too old for him. The paradox here, I suppose, is that our kids are not allowed to watch Power Rangers and Ben 10, but they do watch Star Wars and Narnia. It makes sense to us and our life (and you know, Star Wars was the first thing I saw at the cinema, ever).

Custard's current films of choice are Narnia: Prince Caspian, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Wallace and Gromit and the Were-Rabbit. A re-enactment of the film will inevitably follow a watching. His idol of the moment is High King Peter from Narnia. Custard will appear dressed as a knight, wielding a fabricated sword (we confiscated all the toy ones) and demanding Turkish Delight. He had Toot cut his hair so he could part it like Peter's.

But Peter faces a new challenge. At the weekend we sat and watched the first Harry Potter with them. (Fear not, we warned them when the scary bits were about to happen and they all hid, Custard behind a cushion, FHB and Mouse under my wings). Custard LOVED the film and appeared in the Harry Potter robe shortly after the film finished. On the way to school the next day he says to me, very thoughtfully that 'King Peter is good, but Ron Squeezly from Harry Pottimer is much cooler.'

I chuckle to myself and wonder if I should ask Toot to start practising Ron Weasly hair.

The big thing about my smallest boy is that he is Properly Funny. He knows just the right moment to make a joke, or a silly noise, and he does things that make me roar. Today I have had a ho-down in the kitchen with him to Cotton-Eye Joe. When I returned several songs later he was doing a ho-down to some greasy bassy Metallica. He then treated me to a blast of 'a bottle of rum to fill my tum and that's the life for me', complete with pirate-y drunk actions. As I type he is channelling his inner Troy Bolton and leaping around to High School Musical.

I do love this little boy who makes us all laugh.


Am on the case with the photos. Next time...!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

An Account of the day

Well hello. Photo free again I'm afraid, so I made a list instead. I do love a list:

1 grey drizzly day
4 tired bears
2 pairs of mysteriously wet pyjama trousers found on the washing pile
1 irritated husband
5 loads of washing done
7 radiators heaving with drying
45 minutes in the swimming pool with
1 much put out toddler
2 fountains
1 bubbly mini jacuzzi
1 teeny tiny slide
1 really pleased Me
1 bout of hysterics at Miss T: 'ME! WET! COLD! ME. GET. OUT!' (repeatedly).
2 hot chocolates
2 old ladies, very kind about being sprayed with the crumbs of
1 almond croissant
1 unfortunate toilet incident resulting in the loss of
1 pair of Buzz Lightyear pants and
1 very upset small boy
1 hot shower
2 croissants
3 yoghurts
3 bananas
2 clementines
1 tin of red soup
4 jaffa cakes
3 school pick ups
1 egg shaped bonk on the head
3 more bananas
4 pears
2 ginger snaps
7 chocolate jazzies
2 kinder mini bars
1 fortuitously discovered Fox's crunch cream
1 hour blissfully spent browsing blogland with
1 enormous cup of coffee
1 packet of spaghetti
2 lots of homework done
4 lists (!) made
4 jumpers added to row by very slow row, for the smallest of my relatives
1 new bit of cwistmas cwafting begun, with a little help from my Mouse
1 bear in bed before 6pm, very tired and tragic
3 bears watching
4 penguins on telly
1 exhausted me with at least
11 things whizzing around in my head that I must do tonight
0 chance of actually doing any of them.


Monday, 15 November 2010

The weekend

Hello! A photo free post today as I am on the new computer. W has downloaded a trojan virus onto the old laptop, which is a right old pain as all my photo software is on there. But never mind.

We had a lovely weekend involving coca-cola cake (Nigella, never lets you down); a trip to Greenwich market (I love it, always heralds the start of Christmas stuff for me); a knights helmet and admiral's cap; a mighty fine pub roast in the Old Brewery at Greenwich (involving chocolate beer, oh yes); a visit to see some lovely old friends (whose kids, it turns out, are as wild as ours); a spinach and feta borek (in the car, on the way home, accompanied by the snoring of four sleeping bears); bacon and mushroom coddled eggs with rye bread (for tea, just so yum); and three quarters of a bottle of gin with W (on a school night [!] as we moved furniture round in an attempt to wrest a little more space from our heaving at the seams home).

After a truly terrible night's sleep (three quarters of a bottle of gin, go figure), two bacon sandwiches and several cups of coffee I have spent the day today shuffling books around. W informed me that I should get rid of some in order to create more space. I am greatly offended! It has now become a point of honour to rehome all our books comfortably and aesthetically in order to retain them all.

Miss T is under the weather today and dosed up on Calpol. She snuggled up on the sofa this morning with a hot chocolate and cbeebies and just stayed there...unheard of! So I have sorted and shuffled and squeezed in a few rows of crochet here and there. All is calm...


Thursday, 11 November 2010

This afternoon...

Today is a grey, blustery, cold day, but until 3pm it was not wet. Then, just in time for the school run, the rain came down in stair rods. Joy. So five of us, soaking wet, arrived back home and steamed gently infront of the radiator for a while. I'd love to be able to turn the fire on, but I don't trust my children. I made a huge jug of hot chocolate instead.

While I was doing this, my bears were busy. FHB reappeared in clean clothes, soaked right through (How? I have no idea. He told me some long-winded story about falling in mud. In his bedroom). Custard dressed himself up as Buzz Lightyear, Mouse located a bag of girly stuff to deck herself out in, and Miss T found something sticky. Then they proceeded to chase each other around the house at great speed shouting 'BENNY HILL! BENNY HILL!' Truly, W and You Tube have got a lot to answer for.

So, with my children occupied in riotous fashion, I have settled in my chair for an hour with this:

And these:

to occupy me.

Note my lovely seventies mug. I love it with all my heart. It is my favourite all time mug from my childhood, retrieved from my Mum and Dad's garage when they had a new kitchen fitted recently. Honestly, to me, everything tastes a little sweeter in it.


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

New Toy!

Look what I found in The Works:

Goodness me but I have had FUN with this! It is quite possible I am going to engrave EVERYTHING in my house!

FHB had a go too- Cwistmas Cwafting has officially begun!


Tuesday, 9 November 2010

My Nose

I have been at work this week, me and my nose. My poor, post cold, crusty, sadly cold-sore riven snout. (Oh it's all glamour!) Luckily I work in the operating theatres at my local hospital so I think, 'Excellent, I can put a mask on and noone will have to look at my nose'. I am, indeed, quite embarrassed about it.

So I am walking down the corridor. It is very long and very busy. One of the porters very kindly says to me: 'Rach, you've got a nose bleed'.

My hand flies to my face. No blood. 'No', I say, 'That's just my crusty repellent face'.

Sob. I reach for the face masks...


Thursday, 4 November 2010

A little letter

Well, my week at work and lovely busy few days with the family certainly took their toll- W and I have taken it in turns to be poorly this week. Nothing more than a miserable streaming cold, but taking time off to look after yourself when you have small children is impossible, so my cold has lingered and my nose hurts from all the blowing!

Added to this, Custard has been making his feelings known about going back to school: I do not want to go...I can't walk...Why do I have to go?...Why are you leaving me?...You WILL remember to get me won't you?...I hate you (repeatedly)...Aaaaaaaargh! (loudly, while producing crocodile tears at the nursery door).

As is ever the way, he has a jolly nice time while he is there, but then when I get him...:You have not brought the car/the bike...I will NOT walk...You have not brought me a KitKat/banana...You have to push me home...I hate you (I really do get a lot of that).

Truly this is grinding me down. And they have only been back at school for four days!

Despite all this (and to be fair, the other three bears are being mainly pleasant) I have been hooking away getting several christmas projects finished. I also finished the hexagonal baby jacket- it is just waiting for its buttons, while I am just waiting for my friend to produce her baby so I know what colour to sew on. I will get round to posting a photo of it soon...

In the mean time I have started on a cardi for Miss T:

And finally, FHB provided me with my chuckle of the week. As I pottered around upstairs collecting up the various bits of shredded paper, discarded clothing and so on one morning, I found this:

Would you like a translation? Here you go: Custard has been disgraceful. Is he like this at home?

I had a chuckle. Then I turned it over:

He has bited his friend. From teacher.

Hahahahaha! I did laugh. Then I went to the kitchen and showed W. We chuckled quietly, it was very early after all. A few minutes later I hear FHB telling his brother about The Letter, ending with: And I can't believe she fell for it!


Sunday, 31 October 2010

In which half term whizzes by and I learn how to change shutter speed.

Well what a busy time we have had here in the house of wild bears. I have worked a full week (!) and so W has had the bears for five days straight. They all appear to have had a splendid time while I was gone- I am feeling somewhat un-needed.

In the latter part of the week we went up to visit W's parents and had a splendid time with W's sister and her family too. We went to BeWILDerwood, a low-tech, treehouse, big slide, climbing, zip-wire place and let the bears (my four plus three cousins) go wild. I wish they had had places like that when I was small!

We also made willow lanterns while we were there. It was a great example of competitive dad syndrome in action, you know, lots of middle class dads fabricating wicker men from twigs, masking tape and white tissue paper. Hilarious! We went for a much simpler option and made pyramids. Then, having made six, we decided to forgo the tissue paper application. The bears did not mind, and the lanterns looked great anyway:

The next day Papa and Toot threw the bears a hallowe'en party and I disovered how to change the shutter speed on my new camera. I took some ghostly pictures and am quite pleased with myself:

This last weekend of half term we are back at home because Mouse has two birthday parties to go to. I walked her to the first one and squirrelled away this snippet of our conversation for posterity:

Mouse: So Mummy, does Aunty Rita live in India?

Me, somewhat perplexed: Erm, why do you think she lives in India?

Mouse: Well I have this book with Aunty Rita in it and it is a story from India.

Me, thinking furiously: No, still no clue Mouse.

Mouse, as if I am stupid: You know Mummy! It has flying monkeys and a bad man with lots of arms.

Me, not entirely enlightened: Do you mean Rama and Sita, Mouse?

Mouse, pleased: YES! Oh...only it is not Aunty Sita is it? Anyway, does Aunty Rita live in India? Because, you know, she does live over the sea.

Me: Erm. She lives in Kent.


Anyway, there you have it, another week flies by and tomorrow heralds a return to The School Run, the supermarket and the unhappy knowledge that the house needs Cleaning Thoroughly. Still, got one more night of unashamed Christmas Cwafting (as it is known in these parts) and Sunday night lounging. Must dash...
