Beanie for our favourite teacher
Robyn Chachula cardi for Miss T. I did age 2-3 and got the gauge right, but I think she'll be wearing it when she's seven- it's enormous! She really likes it anyhow.
Beanie for my Niece-who-has-no-plan. I simply did not have enough time to make a cardi, so a pink hat like Mouse's was a quick solution.
A cardi for my other niece, Tink. A remake-in-a-bigger-size of one I made for her last year. A Sue Whiting pattern. It hooks up beautifully, but I chose a yarn so dark that I could only do it if I sat in the bay window at midday. It took a while!
Earflap hat for Papa in merino wool. He and Toot are in the arctic currently, so I thought this would be useful. From Crochet Today.
I also made another two jumpers, which I then forgot to photograph (I was in a bit of a flap by then), and another hat. Then there were all the other makes that did not involve a hook:
Mouse ripped her new gloves after about a week, so I made her a pair of mittens from an old Ikea blanket...
and she decorated them with fabric paint. Aren't they beautiful?
A towel for my Dad with an embroidered trim designed by FHB and Mouse. In the foreground are a pile of bookmarks made from the brim of the sombrero that saved W's life when he was a kid. (The brim stopped him falling down an open manhole in Spain!)
Amongst all the other stuff I realised that our cushions were quite repellent indeed, so I made a set of new covers from the bottom of some curtains, an offcut of corduroy jumper, an thrifted pillow case and table runner and a scarf.
A selection of stuff from Papa's stocking, including two etched whisky glasses (designed by FHB and Mouse), and a Fimo sign for Papa's painting shed, made from old fimo he and Toot found when they cleared out their study.
I had a load of fun making things this year, I just wish I had photographed more of it!
And now here we are, standing right on the edge of another year. I have a list of things whizzing around my head already that I want to make, places to visit, things to do, goals to achieve, jobs to be done, books to be read...
My children are growing up, slowly but steadily, and time seems to going faster and faster. I am looking forward to making the most of 2011 with them.
Hope you have a happy year ahead of you. x