In the latter part of the week we went up to visit W's parents and had a splendid time with W's sister and her family too. We went to BeWILDerwood, a low-tech, treehouse, big slide, climbing, zip-wire place and let the bears (my four plus three cousins) go wild. I wish they had had places like that when I was small!
We also made willow lanterns while we were there. It was a great example of competitive dad syndrome in action, you know, lots of middle class dads fabricating wicker men from twigs, masking tape and white tissue paper. Hilarious! We went for a much simpler option and made pyramids. Then, having made six, we decided to forgo the tissue paper application. The bears did not mind, and the lanterns looked great anyway:
This last weekend of half term we are back at home because Mouse has two birthday parties to go to. I walked her to the first one and squirrelled away this snippet of our conversation for posterity:
Mouse: So Mummy, does Aunty Rita live in India?
Me, somewhat perplexed: Erm, why do you think she lives in India?
Mouse: Well I have this book with Aunty Rita in it and it is a story from India.
Me, thinking furiously: No, still no clue Mouse.
Mouse, as if I am stupid: You know Mummy! It has flying monkeys and a bad man with lots of arms.
Me, not entirely enlightened: Do you mean Rama and Sita, Mouse?
Mouse, pleased: YES! Oh...only it is not Aunty Sita is it? Anyway, does Aunty Rita live in India? Because, you know, she does live over the sea.
Me: Erm. She lives in Kent.
Anyway, there you have it, another week flies by and tomorrow heralds a return to The School Run, the supermarket and the unhappy knowledge that the house needs Cleaning Thoroughly. Still, got one more night of unashamed Christmas Cwafting (as it is known in these parts) and Sunday night lounging. Must dash...
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