Tuesday, 4 January 2011

In which we go to the beach...

...and do not take any photos because I forgot my camera. And my wallet. So W says that it is okay, he has his. Then we realise he has no change for parking. So we rummage around in the car and come up with about three pence. Even frisking FHB did not come up with any money.

But it is okay- our lovely council installed chip and pin parking meters along the seafront. So we try that. It rejects all three of W's cards. I start to panic.

We eventually find a free parking spot and walk to the beach, avoiding the copious dollops of doggy do-do.Grrr.

We manage about twenty minutes on the beach- it is Very Cold and two of our family have not brought their gloves. I have brought two pairs. I give them to my children and go without. My fingers go blue. Miss T drops one of my gloves in the sea.

FHB and W play with a bouncy ball on the prom. FHB is not such a good catcher, or indeed, thrower. Several passers by get hurt.

We are Having Fun!

Actually, you know, we really are not. We decide to go to Tesco instead.

On the way back to the car FHB manages not only to step in dog poo, but also to get it on the inside of his (brand new) gloves. This prompts W to remove the label in order to remove the poo. He rips a large hole in the gloves. I am Happy.

I drop all but Miss T at home, leaving W to sort out the poo. I have a quiet hour in the supermarket with smiley Miss T.

While I am out, FHB tips a mug of hot chocolate all over Mouse's new dress. When I get home the dress is soaking in the sink and the dog poo shoes and coat and gloves are still on the washing pile. W has discovered that the parking metre wanted to charge us £135,000 for an hour's parking- bit out of our price range.

Happy Day.

But...today everyone is back at work and school!


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