Monday, 2 May 2011

A windy airfield and my Mushy Peas cardi

Hello, Hope all is well in your world today. I still have a shocking cold and feel yuck, but I went with W and the bears today to see Toot and Papa go gliding. It was brill! I would LOVE to have a go one day too!

The airfield was Very Windy indeed and the bears all gathered in the boot of Papa and Toot's car to eat Polos and Pom-bears and watch the gliders. (FHB: Cor, not everyone's granny flies a plane!)

I wore my Mushy Peas Cardi, so I finally got W to take a photo of it- which is why the photo is quite so dreadful. (Forgive the sad face- I don't feel well and my nose is red red red. Also, I do not actually have a toucan's beak growing out of my head...)

The pattern is from The Crochet Closet by Lisa Gentry. Not sure about the rest of the book, but it was worth it for this pattern on its own- I Love It!

Three things to add:

1- I am not a tiny person, but the sizes on this pattern are so generous that I made the smallest one. And actually, I could probably have made it a bit smaller. A little bit of me is quite pleased about this.

2- As I put my cardi on at work the other day, one of the girls said 'Ooh, what a lovely cardigan', allowing me to have a most enjoyable Thank You I Made It Myself moment, which made me even more pleased indeed.

3- Some bright spark who runs the hospital has decided to paint the walls the same colour they are on the map. Which means that the walls outside my department are pea green and I look as if I am camouflage in my lovely cardi. Which makes me not quite so pleased after all. Especially because, on the walls, this colour looks like it should be in a bad public toilet.

Anyway, I am a happy girl and am putting this right back in my Ravelry queue to make another one. Perhaps avoiding a toilet palette next time!


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