Thursday, 4 August 2011

Summer Hols: Week 1: Part 2

On Wednesday we decided to have a day on the beach. I have spent 14 years visiting Papa and Toot's neck-of-the-woods and I have never once had a sunny day to enjoy their beautiful sandy beaches. It is beyond a joke. Anyway, we thought that whatever the weather, we'd do it.

It was not promising. Toot and FHB did some kite flying, while the rest of us hunkered down behind the wind break. Custard did a lot of rolling around and digging.

After a few hours of Needing-a-jumper-weather, the sun came out. Finally! 14 years! Of course we had no swimmies with us, but one of the brilliant things about being very young is the ability to strip down to your pants and run into the sea.

FHB built a city:

And I enjoyed the view of the North Sea and the sand between my toes. Our beach at home is fab, but soft sand is extra special.

The only thing that could be said to have marred the day was the inability of my children to go to sleep that night. Gosh they messed about for a long time. Even Toot shouted at them, and that is unheard of.


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