Hello! Yesterday Miss T and I hopped on the bike and tootled off around town. First stop was the hospital occupational health department, where, much to my disgust I had to have the MMR jab. All my kids have had it and I have spent much time saying 'don't complain, it doesn't hurt, you're fine' etc etc to crying kids.
It does hurt.
I decided I had been a brave soldier and deserved a treat. Miss T suggested a pink lolly. We settled on a large coffee for me and a hot chocolate for her, with a pink lolly on the side.
Having made our way so near to the beach, I suggested we cycle home along the front. She said no. But, it looked very enticing from up on the top of the cliff, and she does LOVE going down a hill at full pelt, so she changed her mind.
We whizzed down the cliff at which point she shouts: ME CO-O-O-O-OLD! MAM, US GO UP HOME NOW.
I refused and started cycling. Past the cliff lift. Past the funicular lift. Just far enough, infact, to realise that Miss T was right, it was indeed co-o-o-o-old, and windy, and actually, cycling was damn hard work. Especially when being poked in the back by a small child's sticky lolly, accompanied my the words 'You go faster now Mummy'.
I found the first available road back up the cliff and got off and pushed. I have no shame.
I got home, hot, red-faced, sweaty and HUNGRY. That, folks, is the problem when you begin the day with good intentions, i.e. a small bowl of muesli rather than a great big pile of muesli and then some toast, and perhaps a biscuit or two.
Oh dear. Fail.
And as for Miss T...
Well, she fell asleep about the time I was pushing her up the flipping cliff. And she stayed asleep, in the bike seat, for a good hour and a half. Alright for some!
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