Tuesday, 21 June 2011

W's Last day of freedom

I meant to write this post last week, but due to the vagiaries of Blogger and my new phone, it didn't quite work out. Anyway...Here we are, and I shall try again.

Last friday was W's last day of house husbandry before returning to work this week. I had the day off, so we treated ourselves to breakfast on the beach with Miss T.

Eggs Benedict- My FAVOURITE EVER breakfast, especially when someone else has made it.

And, oh yes, breakfast really was ON the beach. We have been meaning to try this place since it opened about a year ago, but for one reason or another (mainly because taking six of us out anywhere costs Loads, so we tend to go armed with a thermos instead) we have never made it. Turns out that this bar is completely child and buggy friendly, serves excellent coffee and has sparkly pink, very clean, toilet seats. What more can you want?

Following our splendid breakfast we still had several hours before we had to get the big bears form school, so W suggested we head off to Burnham-on-Crouch to see what was there.

What was there was a View:

A fabulous charity shop where I bought all of this:

Also a good old fashioned sweet shop, a yummy arty-crafty-galleryish place that sold Beautiful handbags, a dinky coffee shop that sold homemade scones and large filter coffees, served by a very nice lady in a Cath Kidston pinny, and a lovely little town that we could quite happily live in. Cue a couple of very happy hours spent when we got home, messing about on Rightmove to see what we could afford.

All in all we had a lovely lovely day, despite the downpour.


In the charity shop I bought a Holly Hobby (?) duvet cover, thinking I  could chop it up and make it into Other Stuff. It's not really my thing, you know. Miss T saw it when we got home and said 'THAT'S MINE!':

If anyone had ever told me I would willingly put this duvet cover on a bed in my home I would have laughed at them.


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